Tools for Token Teams
Launch, Grow and Thrive with these tools specifically to help you grow your project.
Telegram Pricebot
FREEGet a /price command and more with the Bog Price Bot. It's absolutely free - with absolutely no ads. Don't pay $$$ for a bot with ads that aim to steal your investors, use the Bogged.Finance Bot! It only takes a few moments to setup!
Logo + Information on Charts.Bogged.Finance
FREE (or 0.5 BNB)Submit a pull request on Github and add your information and logo to your charts so you can put your best foot forward to potential investors. It's free for projects that link to their charts from their website AND/OR use the Bogged.Finance Telegram Pricebot, alternatively there is a 0.5 BNB Processing Fee.
Waterfall Telegram Bot
$200 (+$20 per extra pair)Get a waterfall bot displaying trades live in a custom waterfall telegram channel from our friends at @centralwaterfall.
Embeddable BogSwap
FREEEmbed BogSwap in your website to provide a seamless buying experience for your future token holders.
Join BogForTokenTeams on Telegram
FREEJoin @BogForTokenTeams and keep up to date with the latest releases that will help your token grow & network with other tokens.