Embed BogSwap in your website for free
It's quick and simple.
1. Copy and paste the below code into your website.
2. Remove the existing contract address (0x18b426813731C144108c6D7FAf5EdE71a258fD9A)
3. Replace it with your contract address, in a checksum'd format.
Autoset Slippage: You can add
2. Remove the existing contract address (0x18b426813731C144108c6D7FAf5EdE71a258fD9A)
3. Replace it with your contract address, in a checksum'd format.
<iframe src="https://app.bogged.finance/swap?tokenIn=BNB&tokenOut=0x18b426813731C144108c6D7FAf5EdE71a258fD9A&embed=1" height="780px" width="100%" ></iframe>
Advanced options:Autoset Slippage: You can add
to, for example, autoset the slippage to 5%.